(1) A critique to @Nux_Taku's video on Deku:
1.Taku's overall point about him hating Deku is that he supposedly wears plot armor, let me tell you why this is both wrong and hypocritical. To start this off, Deku doesn't wear plot armor like characters like Goku, Luffy, Naruto,etc.
(2) Unlike these characters that he keeps praising, Deku doesn't win 99% of his fights and when he eventually does it isn't because of some bs power up that he gained in the middle of a important fight for no reason, it's mostly because he needed some help or because of his...
(3) Determination to becoming a hero even though he had no quirk, which is aparent since the first episodes of the series, his determination is so huge that it impressed All Might and even reminded him of his own past,thus the reason why he gave OFA to him instead of Mirio...
(4) because it wouldn't make sense for him to give it to Mirio since he already had a quirk and he didn't show enough hard work to prove to All Might that he's worthy of OFA. Characters like Luffy and Naruto are examples of characters with plot armor since they were either...
(5) born with a lot of power like in the case of Naruto or gained powers accidentaly like in the case of Luffy, them gaining powers didn't feel as rewarding as Deku since he had to actually work hard to get it, not only that, but they also win almost every fight they're apart...
(6) because of either some bs power up or because of the "Power of Friendship" which is also the topic of my next topic.
2. Another point that he stated in the video is that Deku only wins the important fights of the season because of the " Power of Friendship" and he used his...
(7) fight against Muscular as "proof" of that because of his use of 1.000.000%. This is wrong however, he didn't use 1.000.000% for friendship reasons, he used it to simply save Koda, who wasn't even his friend,he literally punched him in the groin when they first met, he used...
(8) because he's a hero determined to save the most amount of people that he can, Koda could've been a random kid that he never met in his life and he would do the same thing, also if he really had plot armor,he would easily get used to 1.000.000% almost imediatly after using it,
(9) which he hasn't, that was the only time in the anime that he achieved this kind of power almost by himself, it's not like Luffy who gets a power up out of nowhere that he uses in almost every single fight after like it was nothing, making the power up look kind of pointless..
(10) or when Naruto used Kyuubi Chakra mode in almost every single episode after he unlocked it for the first time like it was his base form. And you wanna know what these 2 power ups have in common besides that? They both were achieved due to the "Power Of Friendship"...
(11) Pretty hypocritical isn't it? While Deku's power up could've came if he made no friends in UA but still kept his determination, the other power ups wouldn't.
3. The last point that i'm gonna adress (i was gonna mention more but the rest of his video is either some bad...
(12) nitpicks about the anime and Deku's character or him comparing MHA to other Shonen anime that have completely different styles and themes thinking that they're all the same like KNY) is when he said that Deku losing to Todoroki and Bakugou were unnecessary. First of all...
(13) i like the fact that he complains when Deku wins a important fight and uses it as "proof" that he uses plot armor, even though he's the MC of a Shonen anime and that happens to every MC in almost every Shonen anime, including his babies JoJo, One Piece and Naruto but...
(14) when he loses a fight he's like"nope, it was unnecessary",even though some of them are important to the story. Let's start off with Todoroki,his loss against him is very important for both Midoriya and Todoroki, it's important for Midoriya's character bc it shows that...
(15) he actually has a big heart for the people around him, making him likeable, when he realized that Todoroki wasn't using both of his quirks due to Endeavor's actions, he decided to help him fight his personal demons first before beating him and when he suceeded in doing so...
(16) he lost the match, he wasn't even sad about losing since he helped one of his classmates in the process, he was just worried that he might have had dissapointed All Might for losing, when he realized he didn't, he was happy again, showing the complexity of his character,...
(17) it was also important for Todoroki because it also showed the complexity of his character, it showed why he never used his father's quirk, why he hated his father so much, why he's the man responsible for Todoroki's current state, and Midoriya helping him showed to him...
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