Nobody will open his dms so I'll just say it here, a very streamlined reflection of my thoughts. It doesn't go in depth, but should be good enough

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Persona 5 is undoubtedly the most refined persona experience out there. Everything is a natural evolution on the basis provided by persona 3 and that is particularly noticeable in Royalm

However, it has too much visual style [...]
To the point where people recognize it solely for its looks, and not the substance.

"Yeah the gameplay is good" but that's speaking out of the general picture on a more focused subject. People don't care about the "persona" in persona 5, ans Atlus has taken notes
The flashier the games, the more they sell. The combat can remain the same, all they have to do is add more flashier things and the general public will be pleased and happy.

That is the undeniable truth of the current and future SMT. And I do not like it.
I guess you really don't realize this until you play the older games, but the more you dive into the classics, the more you dislike this new wave.

That's it. The game is still amazing, it is better persona 3 after all. Persona 3 is still better though
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