Gonna do a thread on this because this is personal to me.

My father is a pastor of a smaller church body. The idea that pastors are holding drive in services on Easter because of *profits* shows that the people at GEN Mag haven’t a clue what the majority of churches are about. https://twitter.com/genmag/status/1248693793618104320
Most churches across this nation exist solely off of the donations of the church members. Those donations keep the church open so the members can:

Have a building to attend and worship in
Provide support for fellow attendees
Provide support for their community

And more
The vast majority of churches don’t make enough to pay their pastors.
My dad has pastored the same church since I was 2 and has always held a job and never taken a dime from the church in pay.
I can tell you from personal experience of watching him help people WITH HIS OWN MONEY
and help people get off drugs and help people in their marriages and help people find jobs and help people parent children and help people coming out of jail that his job as a pastor is PRICELESS and he’s never made a penny off of it.
GEN mag gives an example of ONE person who experienced churches that survive financially off of Easter and Christmas services.
The majority of churches do dinners for the homeless/poor in their communities on Easter and Christmas and near Thanksgiving.
Quite frankly I don’t give one shit whether you agree with my father or other Christians. You attack churches across America for wanting to hold drive in services for Easter, one of the two most sacred holidays (holy days) on the Christian calendar, and say it’s because MONEY?!
It’s a shameful and disgusting baseless attack. Using an anecdotal story as the premise for an all out attack on Christians, members of the largest faith in America, and accusing them of greed because they want to celebrate a sacred holiday in the midst of strife.
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