The number of legal proceedings against coronavirus lockdowns in Germany is starting to be rather impressive. Here are seven that Germany‘s Bundesverfassungsgericht ruled on ONLY ON APRIL 9 AND 10 (Thread)
1) a case against Bavaria‘s lockdown. Admissible, but weighing consequences (freedom against health and life risk in light of limited duration of lockdown) failed on the merits.
2) an attempt to get a permission for an assembly of 10 people in Bavaria (topic: freedom to assemble in times of the coronavirus). Injunctive relief not granted
3) this one is hilarious: a restaurant in Frankfurt (Main) sued against a local decision that all restaurants had to be closed. Wrong decision though: it had attacked the decision of Frankfurt (Oder). Don‘t ask me how this can happen. Not admissible
4) peculiar. Apparently the same assembly as in the case I described earlier. Again the attempt to get injunctive relief. Here it was inadmissable - the first instance court hadn‘t decided yet.
5) The lazy. Attacks ALL coronavirus lockdowns in ALL German states. Then doesn‘t state reasons, but simply refers to another case doing the same. Inadmissible
6) Companion case. Attacks all state lockdowns. Based on Art. 20 - democracy, rule of law, etc. The problem is: constitutional complaints have to rely on individual rights. Not Art. 20. Inadmissible
7) The most interesting one. This one is about religious meetings. A very sensitive issue. Again this was about injunctive relief pending the main decision - so the court had to weigh the interests at stake. In the end: no relief granted.
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