In recent days, we’ve noticed activist groups—especially youth activist groups—mentioning they won’t be endorsing @JoeBiden.

With our hopes of a progressive President this cycle completely gone, we understand your anger.

Be angry. You’re right to be angry.
You shouldn’t endorse Biden—yet.

Now is the time to organize. Make him hear you. Make him listen. Make him change his stances.

This is what activism is. It’s rage-fueled progress. If we had political power, we wouldn’t need to organize and fight.
Are we pissed off?


Do we want a Green New Deal? A Blue New Deal? Gun Reform?

Yes. Yes. And yes.

Will any of those things happen if the SCOTUS is a 7-2 conservative majority?

Hell no.
Today you’re mad. You feel defeated.

You should be mad. You fought for what you believed in and it came up short. Take time to process those feelings.

When you’re ready, get back in and fight like hell.
You have every right to demand better out of Biden. He needs to be better on policy. A lot better.

We can’t ask a candidate looking to serve 327 million people to be perfect on policy. We won’t get everything, no matter the candidate.

But will he listen?
We are no longer in a primary. This is now the general election. Biden is the candidate looking to us for votes.

Let’s make him hear us. Let’s make him prove to us that he can serve all Americans.
It feels like you’re at the bottom of a hill that you just climbed halfway up. You’re exhausted and we understand that.

But don’t give up. This is a fight worth fighting.

We cannot afford to lose the courts to 4 more years of Trump.
We cannot afford 4 more years of Trump rolling back environmental regulations.

We cannot afford 4 more years of the NRA’s pick to be president.

We’re all in this fight together. LFG.
You can follow @PersistOhio.
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