this all ties back to the problem that's plaguing our party, and specifically the digital space. donors from silicon valley (or wherever) look at the dem party and are like "wow these people suck at digital, i know a few agencies that do great work"
instead of getting on the phone with the digital team and asking why these deficiencies exist, what their needs are, they tell campaign/org leadership that the ~hot thing~ is to get an app, or fighting disinformation online—and then that info is trickled down to the digital team
we need money for ads. we need staff. we need the FUNDAMENTALS TO RUN GOOD PROGRAM. what we DON'T need is some fancy firm who's only ever played around with MILLIONS in the corporate space to get on the phone and dictate strategy to campaigns that treat digital as an afterthought
i'm sorry, but if you don't know how to refcode an actblue link, you don't get to take over the digital program for our nominee or our party.
if you're a silicon valley donor with an "innovative" idea, i pray that you spend 30 mins on the phone with the head of digital at the org or campaign you're investing in. you might find that we're not complete morons and we DO want to do cool stuff, we just don't have budget!!!
i swear to god, if our nominee's team ends up having to hire the firm that pissed away millions on memes because they'll do it for very cheap because they want to take over the party infrastructure, i won't know who we are as a party anymore. we have to demand better than this.
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