If businesses aren't allowed to resume normal operation within one week, we should consider this an attack on our civil liberties.
We've had plenty of time to adapt our practices to make business as usual safer. We haven't done that. We've waited in our homes to find out what Congress is going to do to us. (Spoilers: it's very bad.)
There is not and never has been a good reason or legitimate authority to require central approval to travel within the United States, but that's what we're doing now.
And no, the virus isn't a good reason. Intercommunity travel restrictions must be immediate and total to have any effect at all. They were neither. That opportunity was lost long ago.
You explain to me why hotels would be disallowed from renting rooms to people other than essential workers.

There is no justification. Hotels' primary function is not social gathering or anything else requiring the sense crowds we need to avoid.
The shutdown includes pointless measures like that because, even if it was genuinely necessary at some point, the real purpose is to see how long Americans will tolerate serfdom.
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