Here’s what an episode of Glee would look like in 2020, a thread:
Update: I'm writing this as if its happening mid glee so like season 3
Mr. Shu: alright class, I know it’s hard having glee club practice over zoom but I found the perfect selection of songs for us that I THINK, will help us relieve a little stress over the covid-19 pandemic
Santana: Mr. Shue, with all due respect, what is the point of glee club practice if sectionals are just going to get cancelled?

Quinn: Yeah Mr. Shue why are we practicing when all the other extra curriculars are cancelled.
Mr Schue: Guys we're BETTER than this, BETTER than the VIRUS. We're going to come out of quarantine better than ever and when sectionals happen, and they will, we are going to get FIRST PLACE in the competition. Practicing this way is going to make sure none of us are at risk.
Puck: according to my probation officer I am at risk so this virus is supposed to be really deadly to me

Brittany: I didn't even know there was a virus until Santana I just thought everyone was wearing masks as a new fashion trend look I made one for my cat
I'm sorry I can't keep doing this
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