If we cannot respect & uphold every individual's full autonomy even when we don't understand or agree with their means or reasoning, we have a lot more work to do on ourselves lest we unleash that toxicity into community spaces.
This is not anyone else’s work but our own.
Each of us is responsible for managing our own internalized white cis-het-patriarchy, especially when we step into community spaces.
Ultimately this self-work will enable our collective survival and empowerment.
Ask yourself:
What are the areas of my life taking up most of my energy, thoughts, longing and striving?
How do my words and actions relate to transformative justice (harm reduction, “soft on people, hard on systems,” “trauma that is not transformed is transferred,” etc)?
Make a list of the the most impactful support you’ve received (physical and otherwise).

Were there strings attached to that support?
Was there an expectation of reciprocation and/or that you would align with their values as a result?
If yes, how did that make you feel to be in great need and your only viable option required submission or surrender?
There’s no greater work than divesting from the toxic systems we have been indoctrinated into since birth AND redistributing our resources & energy into more compassionate & inclusive structures rooted in the safety & comfort of those most vulnerable to systemic abuse & harm.
The only thing we need to understand is that our dominant culture and current systems DO NOT WORK for those that are not white, thin, able-bodied & cisgender. They actively harm people in our community and say it’s what they deserve for making bad choices.
We’re LUCKY that we even have this much privilege EVEN WHEN our lives aren’t perfect. We are so lucky.
Why do we act like we fought for this privilege through self-determination and good choices??
This is just how the system was designed, to feed our arrogance and keep us preoccupied and hanging on to promises that there’s more, more, more for us hard worker bees.
No one can tear us away from this abusive paradigm. We have to want to see it for ourselves, reckon with our participation and work through that discomfort. We have to.
You can follow @dan_hihello.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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