Browsing through Super's Full Color manga. We already know they don't try stay consistent with the Full Color release of the original 42 volumes, which is a little disappointing. But here are some things I find neat:

Bug aliens finally have colors (obviously).
Gotenks having purple hair when everyone else in Blooma's family is blue in this release has already been notes, so going to move on to how both the colors and designs in this flashback have aged poorly since Super: Broli. Was well before the film's time though.
Little disappointed this version of SSG doesn't do the whole magenta hair color when the aura isn't active thing. But it's at least a nicer shade, unlike what Trunks: Xeno often suffers with.
Guarana finally has colors too.
(Not even remotely similar to what I had picked for him in #DBRedux. lol)
Legitimately love the icy shade of blue for SSGSS's hair used in here, though the skin tone feels a little too blown out. I kinda get what they were going for though. If SSG adds a hint of sunburn, then why not have SSGSS make you look pale.
Whis' shows off a a visual interpretation of the multiverse, which is lifted from the anime. But it seems to hold a little more significance in the manga version, which I'll get to when I reach Zamasu.
Toytotaro's been inconsistent up to this point about whether U7's group of Kaioshin have potara anymore or not. But whoever has been coloring this project (assuming they started after Zamasu) hasn't been properly following the orange for assistants & green for the Kaioshin rule.
This has very little to do with coloring, but I vastly prefer Toyo's design for this tournament arena over the anime's.
Kuririn was proven wrong when he imagined Freeza's final form on Namek, as Toriyama used him to subvert our expectations. Going to assume Toyo is doing the opposite and using him to show us Frost's actual second form. First official colors (again), nothing surprising tho.
Very little to do with coloring again, but I like that Toyo doesn't change Cabba's eyebrows when he transforms.
Skipped a few color details, but they got the references that this was supposed to be the Pilaf Gang's GT designs.

It also continues to be weird to see Trunks and Blooma with this blue hair in old, non Super scenes. (I'm going to point this out again very soon.)
Like I said, it's weird to see Trunks with blue hair when he's not in modern Super or SDBH clothes.
Remember when I mentioned Whis' universe balls? We can't say for certain which ones are which twin pair, but I certainly like the idea of the universes sharing the cosmos ball design we know from U7 with a potentially different set of colors. U10 seems to be one of the yellows.
Not all Babarians wear green.

(And neither did the original version of this tweet, because I put the wrong image.)
It's mentioned that he's a normal Super Saiyan and that's included on Toriyama's design notes for him. But it still looks a little odd after only having Rosé in the anime and the manga being black and white till now.
Because of that panel, I realized that Toyo (at least up through the end of Vol 3) never draws Black with a Time Ring.

Gowasu uses the silver one to travel to his own future, and Future Zamasu uses a green one to scout an alt timeline. Possible color detail the anime overlooked.
Or maybe not. Or this one is potentially an oversight? I don't know.

Anyway, Shin uses a silver one to apparently visit multiple timelines/dimensions/whatever according to Viz.
(Then again, Shin is uses the wrong damn colored potara. So why should I take his time ring into account either.)
Speaking of colors. Flamboyant self love all around. It's beautiful.
I really like this page in color for some reason.

I think that's everything I care to comment on during this outing though? I'll try to find more things that I love or hate when they release the next batch.
I think Volume 5 is where most of the things I'm curious about in regards to the rest of this arc are included, but browsing 4 for stuff now.

@Cipher_db mentioned it the other day, but Shin and Gowasu having the silver rings during this does indeed bug me.
I suppose it's nice to know that pigs, even the flying kind, are pink.
I will stand by my opinion that when doing these Full Color versions of the volumes, it'd be okay if they ignored some of Toyotaro's more awkward screen tone shading from original versions. It doesn't really jive with the rest of the shading. SSG Vegeta looks extra weird.
Also stand by my opinion that the colors only help show that the quick transformation swap beat doesn't work that well in the manner it's used. Yes it happens faster than the panels show, and Black figures it out fairly quick. But it seems impossible not to notice from the start.
Another one of those things that isn't really about the content itself. But SSGod is one of my favorite forms, so I like seeing the two of them together like this. Quite happy Toyotaro kept it around (and that the anime brought it back).
This specifically, the fact that the attack tints him in its color, makes me curious what they'll go for his coloration in Volume 5. When he goes full throttle and starts having the Rosé-esque like aura.
Ugh. They went with the brown hair. Neither Goku or Vegeta have brown hair in this edition. Why do you do this? lol

(Seems there might have been more things for me to comment on than I initially assumed.)
This just about wraps up Volume 4. Nothing else I feel like commenting on the colors for besides the portals being pink colored, I guess. Which isn't a surprised given most of his attacks are similar, if not the same, shade.
In regards to things NOT being colored though, this disappoints me a bit. Didn't really expect them to, and @Cipher_db confirmed they didn't the other day, but it would have been nice to see the robes in their Full Color glory.
It's that time again. Volume 5:

I like that the lumps were colored to resemble his grotesque anime form, which I ultimately prefer not existing. At least the gigantic monstery version anyway. lol
Despite the aura blobs, the colors show his full power isn't quite a complete Rosé transformation. But I do like that we at least get a tinting of it on him.
This is quite disgusting in color...
I still don't understand how they do this, but ok. lol
It's been mentioned before, but the Gamma Burst Flash doesn't feel any different from the Final Flash since it's yellow.
The wiki that shall not be named have deemed this an example of the nonexistent nonsense "Super Saiyan Power" transformation. Further proving why they shall not be named, or trusted.
I agree with @Cipher_db on this. Some impact is lost by adding the anime color to the panels to represent the void.
I still like Mai's new outfit. Shame SDBH abandoned it when her and Trunks returned.

Also has been mentioned by others, they missed the mark on Vegeta's colors. It's not 100% his GT outfit, but they should've went for the reference anyway.
These cops are a reference to one of Toriyama's other works, Savings Soldier Cashman. They missed the colors on them too. (Though you could argue they have changed outfits over the years and the one got old, but eh...)
Toyotaro recycled Toriyama's original design for Beerus' planet/castle and gave it to Arak of Universe 5. Colors are pretty close. Missing some fruit or something, and the water is reflecting the alternately colors sky/space.
Speaking of, it's nice to see their planets and universes in color for the manga.
In regards to Vermoud, kind of surprised they went with the anime colors for his belt. Toriyama and Toyotaro have been mostly using orange (though he did make it purple on the Volume 7 cover).
Beerus basically using Instinct Omen before it was named. None of his traits change color. Does this count as evidence that Goku's version is a transformation and not a technique?
(I don't really care anymore.)
That was everything, I guess.

Here's a page of Gohan and Trunks together in the special chapter, since the manga never let them meet during the arc proper.
Back on my bullshit, starting with the ugliest baby ever seen in DB. I don't know what Toyo was thinking here, but thankfully Bra is shoved into a swaddle immediately to hide whatever was going on with his interpretation of a newborn's body.
Toyotaro decided to hijack Choki's design from Dr. Mashirito & Abale-chan. (However, he reveals himself as a fan of the anime design, and the colorist misses another reference.)
For some reason, this panel in color gives me major Zunama vibes that I didn't get in black and white.
Oob. Shunned, but not forgotten.
Did Mighty Mask let himself go & turn to a life of crime? Is it his evil brother? Or did Toyo just want to make a reference to Goten and Trunks since Goku puts the mask on? All these mysteries & more, next time on Dragon Ball Super!

(Anime did good making the robe white tho.)
I dunno about you, but this feels wrong. I assume it's the same planet, so why is it sooooo red from space...?

Anyway, instead of recycled SDBH assets, a confirmed Sadala has now been revealed. Going to assume U7's was probably the same as U6's version. So run wild fan artists.
It bugs me a just a tiny bit that Kale's hair isn't pure black like all the other (pure blooded) Saiyans. Join brown haired Vegetto in that group, I guess.
Freeza, join the friendship circle.

(This is the end. Not much of general interest for me this time around. And not sure the actual tournament will be much different, since it's generally the same location with the same characters forever.)
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