here’s a fun “only in a pandemic” story:
we’re running low on toilet paper at my parents’ house. supposedly have a shipment coming any day now, but it’s stuck somewhere in transit.

we called every pharmacy, office supply store, home depot in the area. nada.
i get a tip from a friend: a bagel store nearby is supposedly selling toilet paper.

i call the place and awkwardly ask if they are, in fact, selling toilet paper. the nice girl says yes! four rolls per person! and curbside pickup only.

i say GREAT, i’ll be right there.
i drive over, call when im outside. someone brings a bag out to the car, i hand him cash, and i’m good to go.

meanwhile, my bf walked up separately and secured another 4 rolls, then got in the car. when i looked at our bags next to each other, mine was much smaller. 🤔
i looked in my bag and sure enough there were 4 rolls....of bread.

it is a bagel store, after all, and in normal times 4 rolls would mean just that. but these are not normal times and a bagel store is selling toilet paper.
i called back, explained the mixup, and they brought out 4 rolls of toilet paper and kept the bread. even though it’s passover.

the end. 🧻
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