I've been 3D printing face mask holders for @BCChildrensHosp and Burnaby Hospital for about 2 weeks straight, and really working on the optimization. Through iteration after iteration I've gotten it from 1/hour to 1/12.2 minutes, which makes a huge difference.
Still slow, but seeing other 3d printing groups has inspired me to keep upping efficiency game. Thanks @tylerblack32 for hooking me up with folks in need. 98 more today!

Here is a picture of my first daily hatch vs the latest 6 hour run! (They are now thinner but still work!)
And here are happy users!

I got faint/sick watching my brother go through med school, so it's privilege to help in small way. But please remember there are nurses, doctors, cleaners, electricians, & others keeping hospitals running DAILY during #covid19 so STAY F'ING HOME.
For any 3D printers curious about print settings, here's my findings:

2 PETG layers fine @ holding shape.
0.3mm layer height, no horizontal detail.
No top/bottom layer necessary w/ sufficient wall thickness.
Barbs reinforced across the top 3 extra layers.

Flexible but strong!
And just in case anyone thinks this is purely altruistic, you haven't experienced the satisfying joy of scraping a cooled, finished 3D print from a print bed! Well look and listen in awe!
Wow retweeted by @joshtpm and @JenGunter13 in one day really does something to your timeline lol...thanks for amplification! BUT I'm just 1 of many doing what they can to. So many 3d printing groups in Canada & worldwide doing the same! If you have a 3d printer, you too can help!
You can follow @RyanJBlack.
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