IMO, there needs to be action from policy makers, companies, founders, and investors to accelerate this human/machine partnership (2/7)
Policy-makers: we need you to 1) have a plan for how technology can synergistically enable humans and 2) emphasize the important role of continuous education for everyone. (3/7)
Fellow venture investors: Focus on the ‘RIGHT’ technologies. ‘Right’ technology yields higher-wage, rewarding work and higher-quality, cheaper, more sustainable products and services. ‘So-so’ technology does not. (4/7)
Companies and aspiring founders: Gain a deep understanding of your customers’ current circumstances to benefit them with automation, rather than just pushing fancy robots. Articulate a vision for a future where humans are EMPOWERED by machines. (5/7)
To be successful we ALL need to get comfortable with the notion that we’ll be lifelong learners & will need to be open to ongoing skill sharpening or even entirely re-skilling as we progress. (6/7)
Automation & jobs aren’t mutually exclusive. Focusing on humans achieving their full potential so no one is left behind will be our path out of this crisis. Your thoughts? Please share here. If you’re an aspiring founder in this space, would love to hear from you! (7/7)
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