Reasons I’m not a fan of Beastars, a thread:

The murder mystery at the beginning gets dropped completely. We started trying to figure out who killed the ram guy(he’s dropped so hard I forgot his name) & then nothing... for a LONG time. To the point I forgot that was a plot point
2. Everyone is a dick. They’re either a dick to Legosi or Haru for no reason. And when you think it’s just rumors or some highschool bs, it turns out to be true. I’m not slut shaming or anything but yeah Haru, you kinda slept w mean bunny’s bf. I’d be pissed too.
3. There is no chemistry between Haru & Legosi. I believe the chemistry between Haru & Louis or even LEGOSI & LOUIS before I believe the bunny & wolf are good for eachother. The only reason I’m rooting for them is because the narrative says I should without showing me.
4. It’s waaaaaaay too over sexualized. I didn’t need to immediately see Haru trying to give Legosi a bj when they first met legitimately. That was just... uncomfortable.
5. Tries to show girl power... without any actual girl power. It seems like they’re trying to make Haru some symbol to look up to but she always ends up as a sex object or a damsel in distress. And when she actually does stand up for herself it’s not even her the bullies fear.
6. Too much going on. I blink and there’s a new thing going on. First it’s a play, then going out, then a festival then a mob and it just made my head spin. They jammed too much into one season when each plot point could have been its own season.
7. Legosi’s liar revealed schtick. He does eventually fess up but it’s barely even glanced at. “Oh you almost ate me? Eh whatevs.” And then she acts like she WANTS to be eaten. It’s just a lot of oof.
8. Side characters you’d think would be a bigger deal get dropped. Remember the lamb girl? Remember that weasel guy? Remember those bitches that bullied Haru? No? Me neither.
9. Juno is thirsty as fuck! I get the whole wolf/wolf stuff but geezus this girl is THIRSTY. Like desperately so. And she tries to force Legosi into shit. Take a hint, lady, he ain’t interested. Wouldn’t be surprised if she tries to devour Haru at some point.
10. It’s Twilight. That’s it. It’s basically Twilight but with animals. Girl that Cant do shit for herself? Check. Guy who wants to kill her but loves her for some reason? Check. A group of peeps who could easily kill the prey? Checkaroony! Yeah it’s just Twilight.
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