i watched alberts video and i wasn’t scared or disturbed too much. i actually understood the whole way through.

this game really made me feel a way no game has made me feel. i feel like i wasn’t too disturbed because i can kind of relate to this character’s situation
not because i personally have done something bad to result in being overwhelmed, but just the fact i’m a very anxious and overwhelmed person. i get overwhelmed very easily and the thought of suicide will just..follow me until i can calm myself down

for me, i saw the demon telling albert’s character to not leave as the “demon” of guilt. guilt follows you around forever and there’s no way to permanently get rid of it until you die. guilt can make mentally unstable people extremely overwhelmed and can push them to suicide
i find this video strange to come out now. i’ve had several dreams over the past couple of weeks starting or ending with a very close friend of mine or just me, ending our lives because of trauma, mental health or guilt.
the message at the end of the game meant a lot to me and i STRONGLY recommend anyone dealing with any sort of mental health disorder or anything to see a specialist. your life is a gift that should be lived through its fullest without that overwhelming and heavy feeling.
the gunshot at the end made me cry, and i know i should be disturbed and bothered by this. but it honestly made me sad.

thank you
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