Black Hoosiers are 9.8% of IN's population, but 18.5% of IN covid-19 cases (HALF of the cases are missing race data). Let’s talk structural problems. Thread:
We know nationally, blacks are more likely to have preexisting conditions. Per @BRFSS, black Hoosiers have slightly higher rates of diabetes, stroke, blood pressure, and obesity. But poor health doesn't happen in a vacuum.
Poverty rates of black residents more than double that of white IN residents (26.8% to 10.9%).

But middle class black folks are dying too. That's b/c even with higher education and income, blacks have worse health outcomes than white counterparts.
Since you’re asking, our colleagues @INInstitute find that IN workers of color are overrepresented in low-paying occupations like food service, building maintenance, and healthcare support. All at risk for greater contact w/others.
When IN had some of the lowest unemployment rates in the country (2018), the unemployment rate for black Hoosiers (7.5%) was double the white unemployment rate in IN (3%) h/t @EconomicPolicy
Sheltering in place? White homeownership rates in IN are almost double that of black homeowners. Black renters also more likely to rent & be rent burdened, putting them at risk for eviction and instability before pandemic, state/local protections.
The homeless are among our most vulnerable. In Indy, 61% of our homeless population is black. This doesn't count people/families who might be couch surfing. @CHIPIndy @KTBailara 
Food access matters when you put yourself at risk to get groceries. Per @SAVIonline, 32% of black Indy residents live in a food desert. Higher than renters, folks in poverty, and those w/o a car (regardless of race). #intersectionality 
Prisons at high risk for circulating the virus. State numbers suggest those cases are rising. Per @IndianaDOC, racial overrepresentation there:
Given history of racism in medical care and current anecdotes, black folks may not be getting tested at same rates despite symptoms. Even with insurance and a PCP (which they are less likely to have). PCP required for test @ most Indy test sites. 
Many other contributors and ?s about data quality, especially by race/ethnicity. As soon as other current data are available ( @WorkforceIND, @FSSAIndiana, @IndianaMPH), can't wait for realistic talk about social determinants, race, and long-term strategies.
You can follow @breancamerritt.
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