ok but fr i’ll make a thread explaining it under this qrt 😁👍 https://twitter.com/purelydowoo/status/1248636110567346178
so im like hindu or whatever except there r like different ways to practice hinduism u know? so through one certain way of practicing there is this society of krsna consciousness krsna is a hindu god who we believe to be the creator of everything and that we only live to serve +
+ him and in return he does the same to us!!!! yea anyways i’ve been in2 this thing for like 4 years and i was so skeptical at first but i ignored my feelings ig ??? idk in a way its been like v engrained into my lifestyle and everything
not that i was b religious before i joined this tbh 😭😭 yea anyways the cult recruitment steps or whatever is literally how my mom got into it and i obviously followed because i was like barely in middle school 😭
yea anyways a cult recruitment’s first step is according 2 http://michaelbluejay.com  LMAO but these steps have been said in multiple videos or whatever ( also keep in mind that its only been 4 years and we’ve prob not completed all of the 8 steps )
also im not tryna make any false claims im just genuinely concerned and stuff even if it isnt real i didnt realize how off it seems ://
also i understand that characteristics of religion and cults overlap and im not trying to go against my beliefs but im rlly just tryna make sense of this whole situation 😔 like i talked to my parents abt it and they didnt really have any strong defense points
anyways apparently the first step is inviting people to a nonthreatening event and thats literally Janmashtami thats how my mom started to get into this 😭 and thats also how she got closer to her friend who pulled her in further
the 2nd step is love bombing or showering with compliments and I would be lying if i said they werent super accepting and kind and whatever but again they might just be nice humans its all speculation idk :/
just read this 😭 its literally what happened they promise true happiness and they say that this world is temporary and yes i understand this overlaps w regular religion but HEAR ME OUT!!!!
yeah anyways not tryna say anything but they usually give out free food at the end of lectures but they get mad if u only come for the food and not the lecture like if u do it repeatedly they’ll call u out 😭
yea this !!!!! they have said meanings of life and true happiness that you’ll only find at an iskcon temple idk seems kinda off to me :// they kinda condone demigod worship too
yeah you start spending more time there as in devotional service and they start expecting things such as you cant drink alcohol, you can’t eat meat, onions, garlic, eggs, or chocolate and u cant have caffeine either
+ sex before marriage and stuff i never rlly thought of it as a big deal before but do u think thats a lot?
oh yea and u can only have sex if its for making babies 😁👍 i told my mom i was bi a year ago and she said it doesnt fit in w iskcon and she ignored it and said it was a phase
not that we r surprised religions r homophobic but whatever 💔💔😂
yea anyways after that they’re really adamant i guess on only being friends with other iskcon devotees?? idk idk that was the thing that was most off to me
and the recruiting process too like i promise u my mom’s friend did not go telling just anyone about this stuff and my mom is pretty like gullible 😭
nxt is establishment of guilt and yes u do feel really bad when u sre the only one not following the rules i can tell u ! i hate to say it but i still eat eggs in baked goods that arent homemade and i still eat onion and garlic and chocolate 😭
o yea i think this kinda fits in w the eating restrictions
now this one is kinda extreme but yes we do have like initiated gurus who leave behind their family and everything to teach not iskcon is the only one that does that but :/ and u also get initiated by ur guru if ur “devoted enough” and u get a new spiritual name
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