Allistic folks, for #AutismAcceptance Month, I encourage you to seek out information & education abt issues that are important to autistic adults. In my next few tweets I'm going to name some things I'd suggest becoming informed about.
This #AutismAcceptance Month, inform yourself about...
-Why many autistic adults call Autism Speaks a hate group & encourage ppl to go #RedInstead
-Why we're so worried about police violence against autistic folks, esp folks of color
-Why many of us reject functioning language
-Why many autistic adults describe ABA as harmful & akin to conversion therapy
-Why we're so concerned about the rise in support for eugenics-based approaches to healthcare
-Why stimming is good & important for us to do
-Why many autistic adults insist on identity first language
These are just some of the issues that many autistic adults care about, and of course we don't all agree about all of these things, & I'm sure I'm leaving out some important ones. Listening to us discuss issues we care about is a great first step for #AutismAcceptance Month.
You can follow @TGStoneButch.
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