What’s something petty that you’ll never forgive your parents for? Lol

And I mean truly petty things, not actual trauma (please). 😂
1. My parents never got me an American Girl doll. After I specifically asked for one.

2. My mom made me share my birthday cake and song at vacation bible school when I turned 9. They sang “happy birthday Melanie AND Tiffany.” 🙄😂
My birthday is in the summer so it’s rare I get to celebrate and be around friends with cake lmfao. My moment was stolen from me. When I tell you I was HOT! And I did not like that girl 😂😂😂😂
My parents also bought me a bike for Christmas and never taught me how to ride it lmao.

It sat in the garage 😂😂😂😂 it was pink with streamers and all
Two more things lmfao.

Christmas 2004 when everyone got them motorized scooters, I didn’t get one.

At 15, my mom gave ALL my barbies away to goodwill and didn’t tell me. She could’ve at least let me keep my few faves. I just told her I’ll still fight her about them dolls 😂😂
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