I hate men. In this essay, I will articulate why men are constantly manipulative. How men see us as basically pawns for their pleasure and how I think we as women need to start putting men in their place as the lesser gender. Please remember if this thread does not apply to you
Please keep it pushing So here is one way that men are manipulative. Because men do not understand the word no they often result to the "Best friend" position What does that mean? Basically after they establish trust with a woman that they find attractive they try to make a move
This is confusing because for a girl they think that is my best friend so they would bever see me like that. Often girls have exposed very vulnerable positions to this person and now have to deal with these emotions or just attraction that men have towards them which is not fair
Another reason why I hate man is them constantly seeing us as pawns for pleasure. The idea that there are men out there who all hit on the same woman just to see who they can tap first s ugly to me. And some girls simply just feel like all of them want her and that's so unfair
also I feel like a lot of the time the way we raise our boys contributes to how they treat women If you have two kids one boy and one girl you have to expect the same from them as far as chores in the house, grades in school, and how they treat people romantically and otherwise
To conclude I will say it again this does not mean that all men have issues there are amazing male friends and boyfriends out there. However, the way a few men have been acting recently really caused me to go over the edge and get this out. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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