why lumax ISN’T a toxic ship: an insightful thread 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
since there’s a bunch of lumax anti’s out there, here’s a thread as to why lumax isn’t a toxic ship and why it’s one of the best (if not the best) stranger things ships.
just a warning, this thread will talk about abuse every once in a while so i will put a warning when i do talk about that!
TRIGGER WARNING: implied abuse.
in season 2, lucas was the only one max could trust. she even cried in front of him and opened up to him about what billy was doing to her. max found comfort in lucas that she couldn’t find in dustin, will, or mike. not to add that she-
(continued) had only known this boy for a few days and she trusted him more than her own family!!
the way they look at each other. that’s it.

yes max broke up with lucas a bunch of times but do y’all ever think about the fact that max was betrayed and abused by males her entire life? most likely, she’s scared of being hurt by another male or hurting someone again.
THE WHOLE SAUNA TEST SCENE!?!?!?! LETS TALK ABOUT THAT PLEASE. how they both tried to protect each other like,,, that’s true love :,))
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