Medicaid: Our goal in Ohio to keep as many people as healthy as possible and ensure those that get sick with COVID-19 get the treatment they need. That includes reducing barriers to care.
Medicaid, the managed care plans, and MyCare Ohio plans have come together to remove barriers for members – those receiving Medicaid benefits – during this crisis.
They have collaborated to maintain the health of individuals to keep them out of the hospital and reduce undue strain on our healthcare system.
These groups are trying to reduce the administrative requirements of physicians and others to give them more flexibility, so that they can focus on safe patient care.
More details will be available on  or by calling the COVID-19 Call Center at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH.
Here is an overview of these changes.

Medicaid has eased several pharmacy benefit restrictions.
oPrior authorizations will be by-passed for new prescriptions.
oMembers will receive pharmacy benefits regardless of in-network or out-of-network provider status.
oThe threshold for refills on certain prescriptions will be relaxed.
oPharmacists who dispense emergency refills without a prescription will be reimbursed.
oPharmacies that dispense over-the-counter medications without a prescription will be reimbursed.
oMember co-pays will be waived. This is for all prescriptions.
o90-day supplies on maintenance medications will be authorized.
The managed care plans have already lifted prior authorizations for all but a few services. This took effect on 3-27. Physicians and other providers, without prior authorization by a managed care plan, are using clinical judgment to determine if something is a medical necessity.
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