Disaster Report 4 came out this week! Finally after nearly 13 years we have a sequel to Raw Danger, among the best of the goofy-ass PS2 era of adventure games that you either love or hate.

In this thread I will highlight negative review quotes that read to me as positive!
I'm out of quotes so here's some stuff I did when I started playing last night:

- Looked around the carnage in deep contemplation and chose the internal thought, "I really don't care about anything."
- When the manager at the convenience store introduced himself, chose the dialogue option that made me scream "No I'M the manager!"
- A salaryman, sitting on a park bench, told me his sad story about losing his job and lying to his family, all while staring at the contents of his lunch, spilled on the ground. I got on all fours, put my face in his lunch, and screamed with the scream button.
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