I really hate the word "socialism" because it seems like, more than anything, it's a word for people to waste their time debating the definition. But Within the Marxist-Leninist framework it's pretty clear to me that socialism is a transition between capitalism and communism. https://twitter.com/LunaOi_VN/status/1248655802086219777
For me, the most useful thing about the word "socialism" is it helps me quickly identify assholes I don't want to waste time interacting with based on how hostile they become any time the word comes up. 😎
But yeah like, different ideologies/tendencies use the word very differently. Like, what a Democratic Socialist calls "socialism," a Marxist-Leninist would just call "bourgeois socialism" or not consider socialism at all, because there's no intent/striving towards communism--
Anarchists use the word in all sorts of ways. Even within Marxist-Leninism, Marx and Lenin seemed to use it in slightly different ways from each other. Hell, Marx even used it in different ways over the decades that he wrote.

It's just an annoying word, I've always hated it. 😅
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