Seems odd to be focused on such a thing in the time of social distancing. But as humans or necessarily social creatures, we innovate, adapt, adjust, and create new ways of establishing and solidfying connections with each other...
Humans classify everything, first and fundamentally as safe or dangerous. This is absolutely necessary for our individual survival and survival as a species.
Social classifications are categories that provide a standard for appearance & behavior. They become identities that we take on. The most common classifications/identities are race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and class.

This is the realm of a Taurus and the 2020 Venus Rx.
Those social classification/identities of race, gender, sexuality, and class are how humans establish and maintain contact, connection, and relationships with each other. This is the #1 survival need of humans.
The 2020 Venus retrograde in Taurus is about coming to terms with our need for validation from each other. It is about coming to terms with the implications of race, gender, sexuality identity, and class on our individual and collective survival.
Navigating the world as an animal with the capacity reason means instinct is never silent. We negotiate with our mammalian nature but there is no real competition. The will to live wins out some way, somehow, always.
Social Skills are part of that survival strategy. Validation & acceptance, proximity to power, power dynamic, status, attractiveness/repulsiveness, physical appearance...these are survival strategies, too. And this is Taurus. This is Venus in Taurus.
Desire is an instrument of survival, too. The reason you like what you like isn’t intellectual. It’s primal, animalistic, instinctual, base...that’s the will to live and survive whatever comes. It’s me or you!
We come face to face with our desire nature during this Venus Retrograde. Pleasure, pain, shame, guilt, fear—they serve as gatekeepers to desire. At which gate do you find yourself often standing?
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