Fun thread!

1 like = 1 reason to drop enstars and play On Air
Reason 1: Ranking for Prid's or Re:Fly is significantly less harder than ranking for Knights or Undead
Reason 2: We don't have Eichi
Reason 3: Or Ibara
Reason 4: Or crazy fans
Reason 5: Writing that isn't just ship bait or angst
Reason 6: Fewer characters and we don't keep adding more
Reason 7: Coly is exponentially more generous than HappyEle
Reason 9: Only one teacher to deal with
Reason 10: No sad cash grabs
Reason 11: Actual incentive to spend on the game because you know your money is going to a good place and will be rewarded
Reason 12: Hamuchuu
Reason 13: Events are doable without making blood sacrifices (or sleep sacrifices!)
Reason 14: Art that isn't traced from older cards
Reason 15: Fully voiced stories for EVERYTHING
Reason 16: #2 most talked about mobile game in the UK
Reason 17: Gorgeous Live2D
Reason 18: That time coly accidentally gave out 150 cs instead of 50 and went yknow what you can have them
Reason 19: Many smiles like this one
Reason 20: Caused mass confusion among Twitter statisticians
Reason 21: Event 10-pull tickets
Reason 22: And the top 10 in events now get event SSR tickets
Reason 23: Anime mobile game about aspiring voice actors
Reason 24: Oshigoto titles for every possible pair of characters
Reason 25: Everyone interacts. Everyone.
Reason 26: No one has gone 3 years without a gacha
Reason 27: 10 cs as a login bonus every day, and 2000 cs for your 100th login
Reason 28: You get to see the boys voice act and it's honestly so much fun
Reason 29: Extremely f2p friendly
Reason 30: Big update that changed a lot about how the game works didn't render pre-update cards useless
Reason 31: We have a character who makes puns
Reason 32: OAcord has me :)
Reason 33: All our characters get treated equally when it comes to development and screentime
Reason 34: You get to see the boys interact on Twiine which makes it all feel even more realistic
Reason 35: We get a full event with an actual story for April Fools
Reason 36: And none of our April Fools content is locked behind a paywall
Reason 37: Instead we get a FREE 10-pull every April Fools, featuring the event cards!
Reason 38: Lots of homescreen lines, along with new ones that come with cards + seasonal ones
Reason 39: Top tier voice acting, because every single story is voiced you really get to hear everyone's talent (both irl seiyuu-wise and character-wise)
Reason 40: Event rewards are so worth it
Reason 41: Visibly crafted with love and care instead of as a way to earn money
Reason 42: You can do each event improv for 0 IP once daily for the whole event duration!
Reason 43: Along with 5x daily auditions for 0 AP
Reason 44: We have cousins
Reason 45: And they're written like actual cousins
Reason 46: The seiyuu themselves have commented on how realistic different aspects of the game are
Reason 47: We have the event point shop where you can buy all sorts of items in addition to the point rewards from the event
Reason 48: Not to mention the piece shop and the rare piece shop which reset monthly
Reason 49: Our fandom is seriously the nicest ever
Reason 50: We have 30 lovable boys, all with their own unique stories and struggles, and everything from the main story to unit stories, event stories, spot talks, character stories, and more to get to know them.
At 50 likes and 50 reasons, I'll end the thread here. On Air is amazing game from an amazing company and our characters are all exceptionally written, so if you haven't already checked the game out, please do consider it!!
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