I'm beginning to lose faith in the govt's handling & grip on this crisis. Answers to specific questions are ducked. We registered the highest recorded daily dead in Europe today, excluding nursing homes, & Sec of State couldn't answer number of frontline NHS who'd died in total.
No known exit plan. Too few tests. Defensive tone on PPE equipment and testing.
Worse of all, the response was delayed, herd immunity strategy followed by a denial of its seriousness means we're worse prepared than we should be. If Spain, Germany and Italy respond better, considering the example & learning they provide being ahead of us, this is on the govt.
The decade of undermined, humiliated public services and budgets means we're weakest prepared than we might have been. Its fair that the strategy seeks to minimise the impact and surge on the NHS but that's also a strategy borne of our weakened NHS and Social Care from Austerity.
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