I may be the voice in the wilderness here, but I do not like the Thursday night clapping. It feels like something that will become compulsory - I've seen a mumsnet post from someone who got a note telling her to join in. I do not like to hear my quiet reserved
neighbours become a whooping, braying mob. I do not like fireworks let off in support of an NHS they probably voted to defund year after year. I do not like being told what to think.
I do not like being told that low paid workers are heros thereby releasing the government from protecting and staffing them adequately.
I will not clap and you will not shame me. My step-daughter who works for the NHS is not a hero she is a health worker and if the NHS was properly funded her risk would be negligible and I wouldn't be lying awake at night worrying about her. Don't clap, organise.
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