I stumbled across this and almost lost my coffee YALL


By @ToasterKiwi found here https://toasterkiwi.shop/ 
So like! I've seen this done before with Disney pins before but this isn't Disney money so shh that doesn't exist right now.

How CLEVER. My hands are curling up at the sight of it.
The pins themselves, well designed. Not mad about those fills, good use of metal.

Those little holes aren't easy??
Typically with zinc pins depending on your manufacturer it's hard to get cut outs that small, especially if they have that little bevel flare at the back of the pin, you know the one. Small clean ones like that are a miracle of communication and intent and I SALUTE.
Having to do those little cords by hand (I mean someone has to, be it you or a factory worker, let's be real, handmade product) but WOW the fact that you can customize it!!! You can have more than one controller! You can have two! OR FOUR AND GO WILD.
Customizable pins like this are rare where you can interchange your options because: it's a logistics nightmare. The fact that there are two color options for the controller is a miracle. The potential for other colors in the future is be still my heart, I can't.
There's something so cool about pins that offer this much freedom in how you arrange and compose them.

"You can put any two pins next to each other" okay look yes but the customization on top of that dedication to the look is so good, this is not easy work.
And the freedom of the owner to do what they want with it after? Hell yeah. Swap in future colors. Play solo. Set the cube free. That's COOL.
Also the size is an inch per piece BUT that's great because 1. less detail to fuss over let's keep this clean and iconic and 2. When you add in all the extras it becomes a much bigger pin anyway as a fully realized piece BUT it stays within a reasonable size range.
The controllers could dangle freely! The controllers could be pinned in place! THIS IS AWFULLY DYNAMIC AND MY BRAIN IS BUZZING.
Bonus is this switch one for being so playful. There's SO MUCH you can do with this as an accessory, thank you for having FUN.

And a final salute because I can't tie knots that small to save my life, RIP your hands, respect.
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