It's been a month and a week focusing on @rustlang!

Here's how my ultralearning plan went
👇 Thread
Here's what I set out to accomplish:
- Read Chapters 1-3 of the Rust Lang Book
- Write 3 blog posts
- Contribute to an open source project (bug fix or docs)
- Build a small web server app (bunny1 clone)
I built a small web server app based on this: 

Basically, it lets you write smart bookmarks. Now on my personal laptop I can type "gh jsjoeio/repo-name" and it will go to the repo page.

Originally I estimated being able to do this in 5 weeks: March 6th - April 3rd. Ending up adding an extra week to write the extra blog post and finish up the small web server app.
I learned a ton about Rust! If you're looking to learn a new language, framework, or technology, I highly recommend setting some small goals that you can complete in a month!

For me, it's helped me stay focus among all the possible tutorials, projects, and apps out there.
Thanks for reading my thread!

Wash your hands, stay safe, happy coding and happy Friday!😄
You can follow @jsjoeio.
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