I wanted to make a comment on something that is bothering me. How contingent (adjunct and nontenure track lecturers) will be discarded as this goes forward. I'm on a yearly contract as a lecturer myself and we have been told there is a hiring freeze amid fears of lower enrollment
The idea that all the extra work this semester could result in a loss of job as the most expendable part of the department.
Background, I'm on my 3rd such job in 4 years, having moved across the country twice in that time, sometimes in short notice.

I've had to create multiple classes from scratch, only to have them unused now that I'm at a new place, and new classes to be created.
My last place told me I had a job for the following year, until March, when they decided not to renew my contract. I had to find a last second job this past summer, since that was not enough time to apply for most tenure track jobs.
That led me to where I am now, a Lecturer on a yearly renewable contract. I teach 2 courses more a year for less money than my colleagues. I have the most students of any professor at my college. I get stellar student reviews, since my focus is always on the students
I wanted help and get them through classes before this and even more so now. I feel lucky to have such a good relationship with my students.
But I've also been told that if I want tenure track I need to do research and publish a few papers this year. I don't have a work computer, and as a lecturer I won't get one. I do all my lectures on a cheap personal laptop that can't run my research codes.
They've told me for months that my contract will be renewed because of my successes this year. But now there is a hiring freeze. And even though my department is fighting for me, there is no guarantee there is money to keep me.
Maybe I'll be ok. Maybe I'm a fool for believing a word of mouth commitment again. I love it here and now I'm working extra hard with the knowledge that I may be kicked to the curb in a few months despite how hard I've worked with such a course load.
But it's clear. I'm the only one who can be cut, so I will be if needed. And with all my fears and anxieties, now I have to worry about this. That I'm expendible, no matter how hard I work and how much my students care about me and I them.
So please, help out and think about not just your most vulnerable students, but also your most vulnerable faculty. It's hard doing a good job, when being told in a few months you aren't important enough to keep.
While this knowledge stews and grows inside me as anger and fear, i'm still receiving messages from students telling me how much they appreciate my effort through this online transition. Some realize the situation I'm in and have asked if there is anything they can do.
I had the highest student evals for my department last semester, because I truly care and put in extra effort. It's heartbreaking they want to stand up for me, but I truly am the only one who can go. Their input may mean nothing to those in charge (but the world to me).
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