I’m not gonna retweet it but like... I just read the most bitter and angry take someone has that basically boils down to “lilo is the villain of lilo & stitch bc she acts like the child she is & not an adult” & just... what
god forbid a child who experienced a sudden & intense loss, uh, lash out sometimes against her bullies & not always act like an adult in better control of her emotions & sense of self
they literally compared lilo & stitch to the godfather. just say you hate kids, wanna be an edgy contrarian, & go
“she should be a role model for kids who’ve experienced loss!” it can help to see a character your age act out & not know how to deal with loss. it makes you feel less alone. plus if lilo is already A Golden Child, the plot loses a lot of its tension & she loses her character arc
if lilo is “adjusted” to the changes in her life, then why would she be constantly in danger of being taken away by social services? why would nani be so quick to get her a pet to be a friend if she gets along w/her classmates? goodbye tension & alien plot.
lilo being an “adjusted, mature” child doesn’t serve the plot or the story, & would result in a very flat, boring movie.

also a movie isn’t bad or failed solely bc a character doesn’t act the way you think they should or do things you wouldn’t do.
end thread sorry but I just rewatched this movie recently and I have it on the brain
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