Seeing a lot of people being like "I feel so guilty that I'm not actively in the vanguard militia plotting to overthrow the government. I'm just selfishly working five gig jobs remotely, homeschooling my child, spending three hours a week in therapy for bipolar I, slowly dying, &
And like

Just wanna say

Sometimes you're the victim of the problem we're trying to organize to solve, and not every single moment of your life needs to be putting your all and everything into organizing.

Be fair to yourself.
If you can find a place in your life to fit doing something good into it, PLEASE DO. Absolutely everyone able to do political work right now should.

But also sometimes it's like completely 100% reasonable that you're not able to right now
It's from each according to their ability, to each according to their need.

If you're disabled, immunocompromised, in chronic pain, struggling to stay alive, lost your job, suicidal

Nobody is judging you for not also grinding yourself to the bone doing organizing.
This isn't a pass for people who are just treating this all as a prolonged vacation!! to be clear!!

But holy shit some of y'all are already doing so much and feeling guilty for not doing more.

I know a lot of therapists doing this and y'all more than anyone should know better
Like, if you're a social worker or a therapist or a grocery store worker or a nurse

you ARE DOING GOOD RIGHT NOW!! You're saving lives and holding people together. Nobody will look at you and go "All they did was stop people from dying like they usually do :/"
Nobody ever looked back at the life of a famous activist and said "Yeah but for this 8-month period she didn't do anything remarkable so she's actually a selfish counter-revolutionary :/"
I'm saying this for myself too cuz like, the beginning of all this ended up being super triggering for me from when I spent some time in the solitary high-observation cell after getting arrested fighting ICE. Made me kinda dysfunctional

and I was STILL beating myself up for this
"Wow I'm being SO self-pitying just because my history of activism induced some mental and physical trauma being exacerbated by this crisis so all I can do is provide mutual aid through funding, online community organizing, propaganda, and remote support :/"
"Oh poor me my car got smashed into while parked so I can't make grocery deliveries anymore also my EDS has gotten worse so my hips dislocate when I go grocery shopping I SHOULD BE PUNCHING A COP RIGHT NOW OR I'M A BAD PERSON"

like shut the hell up My Brain
Figure out what you're ABLE TO DO
and it probably is the case that for a lot of us we're able to do more than we think

but PLEASE be fair on yourself, beating yourself up helps nobody.
Especially if a lot of the work you're doing is taking care of the needs of people in your life who are doing more work? You're doing the invisibilized feminized care work that sustains them. That's good too
Frida Kahlo, whom we all love despite not spending every waking moment organizing, wrote a good thing about this
You know I just gotta ask myself: Would I look at someone else in my position and judge them for not grinding themselves to the bone? There's plenty of people we think are good despite not living in a cave wearing a ski mask 24/7
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