what project should I focus my quarantine energy into:
Mediterannean Greek-style Fantasy Comic:
A cursed warrior and a lost farmguard uncover an all-threatening darkness and venture to stop it
Ambient Minimalist Futurism Sci-Fi comic:
A young woman accepts a curious invitation, a summit to decide the end of the world
X-Men Comissions:

Either full body limited background, or busts like I’ve been doing the x-kids! If ppl want to get their ideal x-men team done as portraits
YA Lesbian Chosen One Modern Fantasy:
Elizabeth Xiao is gonna fail math, has no idea if her crush realizes she’s into her, & can’t stop fighting with her mom, who just doesn’t get it!!

Oh, and that’s all before she learns she’s the chosen one meant to take down an ancient beast.
You can follow @joshcornillon.
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