Kotaku is trending rn due to all the dunking on this article that's happening

Which is sad because all of it is utterly braindead

"Haha, mad that an easy mode is easy? idiots"

How is it not valid to think that an easy mode still makes things TOO easy? That it's overtuned?
The article says that there is just no conceivable challenge, to anyone of basically any level of ability, presented by the easy mode, and *furthermore*, there's a mode even easier than "easy"!

It makes sense that "easy" should still present some kind of modest challenge
The article goes on to make the conclusion that, *because of how overly-easy it is*, players should probably avoid "easy", even those who might want an experience that's a bit easier than the default difficulty, because of how far it goes in the other direction
It's an incredibly straightforward, fair article whose concept is simple and pretty unobjectionable

But rabid, brain-dead Kotaku hate has poisoned people into rejecting the most basic of critical thought applied to video games
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