a lot of Progressive Christians ™️ tweeting that Trum* is Judas.
First of all, Trum* is Trum*.
He might, if we baptized this story in our own waters, be Pontius Pilate who ordered the death of an innocent man.

And honestly, my view says he is the Devil. The King of the Demons. The evil one. The one who will stop at nothing to absorb as much power.
Calling Trum* "Judas" is so... imprecise. He is not Judas. And Judas' name has been used as shorthand for "someone who sells people out." This reflection from Rev. Chelsea Yarborough helped me btw. https://www.womanpreach.org/remembering-judas-yarborough
The parallel simply does not work. i get it. you want to be accountable to the gospel and this moment has thrown you off of your horse. i get it.
but trum* is not judas.
you could argue that judas was in a vulnerable position. he had very little relative power and made a choice.

trum* is trum*. he is not vulnerable. he has major power. and he makes choices.
it feels good. like a good twitter zing. but it's not right. that man has done more than sell us out for the stock market.

that man has empowered minions, he has gathered his surrogates, he has found a new way to represent evil in the highest office.

he is not a petty snitch.
i dont know why this irritates me so hard. perhaps because, it reminds me that many folks who claim Progressive Christianity do not understand that *power* is what corrupts.

which means, if someone else does it, it's cool.
you were mad in 2018 because "children are being snatched from their mothers at the borders" but you YOURSELF shushed Jennicet Gutierrez when she disrupted at the white house under Obama.
and this is why you lose radical folks of all generations. Because you be mad at the wrong people.
also, for real yall, trum* can be evil without you comparing him to Judas. Jesus Christ.

every damn thing gotta be a christian allegory. this why nobody really fck with us like that. we got a scripture for everything and wear the collars EVERYWHERE. LMAO
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