More men die from covid-19 than women – but why? A brief look across data from several countries suggest a sex bias among old men. But this does not account for the fact that men generally live shorter than women and are under-represented in late-age cohorts 1/5
Accounting for male-female representation suggests that male mortality bias is pretty stable then declines in >80 olds. Note that data is extremely messy but best resolution datasets (Italy, Spain) suggest so. Difficult to see, but could be a bell shaped curve? 2/5
If correct, this suggests that male susceptibility to covid-19 does not increase with age during adulthood but is present all the way through. Sex differences in immunity? Would be interesting to see if it coincides with sexual maturity 3/5
Late-life (>80yo) decline in sex differences in mortality could be due to selective disappearance, but impossible to tell with this data 4/5
Pop Data: 

w/ help from @AlexeiMaklakov

1. "Pop. Adjust" = adjustment for relative number of indivduals at each age class.
2. Values above the horizontal line = male bias, below = female bias.

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