Some anecdata on mask usage in my neighborhood in SF:
- Mask (inc. any kind of mouth covering) usage has increased from ~20% (Mon) to ~40% (Thu). Nice!
- Thu n=~200, I passed a LOT of ppl on my grocery run
Fri Apr 10, 2020
Mask usage: 26/51=51%

First time I've ever seen more than half of the ppl I pass wearing masks (in a Western country). I don't think mask usage in SF was even this high during the CA wildfires
Sat Apr 11, 2020
Mask usage: 40/107 = 37%

Surprising number of people wearing masks/scarves around their necks but not actually over their face... Kind of defeats the purpose
Sun Apr 12, 2020
Mask usage: 48/115 = 42%

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