I know I'm coming off as this old, crusty dude. But let me share something with you, something that astrology has taught me. Many of you have been very happy that astrological community is becoming more diverse, like at conferences at NORWAC & UAC. You think that's an accident?
No, that's not. It's because people like me, @vegand, @SagittarianMind and other allies have been out here for years, playing our roles as we stepped into our Jupiter Returns and inch toward our Saturn Returns. This is the nature of the cycles of power with the planets.
We tend to think that as individuals that we only have an obligation to live our lives for ourselves. That's partly true. But some aspect of who you are is conditioned also by who you are or even meant to be. You're positioned where you are...for a reason.
I am not the first occultist in my family. But it took generations, cycles of the planets, for me to be the first one who makes a living as one to serve the public. My great-grandmother could only do that among select friends who came to her in secret.
So, when people talk about change and power, they seem to forget that the cycles of the planets, at least in an individual life, exist as timers, if you will, for the maturation for you to fulfill more of your purpose and do whatever good you can do.
In other words, what seemed like an accident for me early in life, like finding astrology, I now see and embrace on purpose, striving to pay the way for more diversity within this field and then into others. This same principle applies to much in our lives.
I talked about this somewhat in the intro for this post, https://unlockastrology.com/horoscopes-12-2/, with Malcolm X and his Jupiter in Capricorn. Malcolm X stepped more into who had almost been bred to be at his 2nd Jupiter Return. Both his parents were Black Nationalists.
Many don't know their family history, so they don't know that some measure of who you are has been "called for." The true nature of your power does rest with your ancestors and astrology gives the timetables for the unfolding of this articulation.
But this takes time. I would NOT be able to do some of the things I do know in my youth. In fact, I consistently overestimated the power of my youth and those like me and underestimated my elders, not knowing it was not yet my time.
But that is also part of a cycle. In our culture, we seem to idolize youth as "the future," not recognizing that some elements of the future was set up many years ago and those in power are the fruit from those seeds planted.
The challenge is to keep as many of these seeds now alive to birth a different future cycles from now. Astrology provides clues on how to play the long-game rather than believing, naively, everything is decided now. It is not.
Astrology is the study of the motion of the planets and they don't stop moving just because you want them to. Your life is a representation of that fluidity and movement. The wisdom of astrology is learning to anticipate those motions and what they might mean. Then...
...plan accordingly. You can then plan your life, as much as possible, on purpose rather than whim or instant gratification. You can see more when it's your time rather than relying solely on hope. Hope is not a strategy.
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