@SuhagAShukla @DrAmbardar @aseemrshukla @shambhav15 On Sham's podcast, Suhag & Aseem mentioned that lsIamist Bernie supporters were trying to compel Biden to echo Bernie's anti-India, Hinduphobic stance. Part of this effort is the mainstreaming of Hinduphobic narrative. /1 https://twitter.com/AatishTaseer/status/1248595587823546368
@theatlantic, like the @newyorker, reveals itself to be a key node in this mainstreaming. Hinduphobic articles of an increasingly rabid pitch, confined earlier to Fringe left publications like Jacobin, The Intercept & Current Affairs now appear regularly in its august pages /2
Cases in point:
1. Shrill denunciation of Modi & the CAA by Mira Kamdar during Delhi riots. So vile and over-the-top in its #Hinduphobia that even @TheAtlantic felt compelled to yank & replace it with an apparently balanced (though still poisonous) hit piece by Yasmeen Serhan /3
Case 2: a poorly researched, factually deficient, and clearly agenda-driven hit piece by Vidya Krishnan, selectively bashing the Modi govt for undertaking the same types of preemptive measures against COVID implemented in many other countries. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2020/03/india-coronavirus-covid19-narendra-modi/608896/ /5
The Krishnan piece, relying on rhetoric alone, singles out India without justification when far more draconian measures have been imposed in other countries, and besides, far worse outcomes have been experienced in other nations than India. /6
Against this backdrop, the latest fulminant piece of invective from Tasseer--which is really all it is-- takes on the sinister appearance of fulfilling a larger role in a studied campaign of #Hinduphobic political propaganda. The platform, however, is what's most remarkable. /7
Like @time @NPR and @newsweek, @TheAtlantic is consumed not by scruffy camp followers of the demagogue Bernie Sanders, but by Establishment Democrats. The Biden base. Clearly the #Hinduphobic narrative is being targeted to these people.

By whom, and to what end exactly? /8
Is it, as Aseem said on Sham's podcast, that the Biden campaign is trying to recruit Bernie lieutenants & influencers for November; and the lsIamists among these Sanders-Jugend are exercising this leverage by compelling Biden to openly embrace anti-India #Hinduphobia? /9
We recently saw Jihadi Sanders-Jugend attempt to exercise this very leverage by mounting a racist slander-campaign against Biden's (Hindu) AAPI director Amit Jani. It failed for now, if only because #Hinduphobia isn't as much a priority for pro-Biden Establishment Democrats./10
The recent campaign of anti-India, anti-Hindu vilification through a spate of high-profile hit pieces in @TheAtlantic , @newyorker , @NPR etc could be aimed at cultivating #Hinduphobia--and support for future lynch mobs deployed against Hindus like Jani--among Biden Denocrats. /n
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