lessons of a powerful year: a thread
we don’t always get the luxury to meet old wounds with soft bodies. people who are careful with our scars but not afraid to press in the memory to rewrite the story. when you find someone who makes you laugh until the sun beams from your ribcage, hold them still—guard them holy.
we grow amnesia when situations don’t favor the outcome we predicated for our ego but you were touched by love even if it’s no longer beautiful.
pain has an allure, at times even enticing. sometimes we mistake that energy for light. we romanticize the fantasy to cope with the burning. when you misdiagnose pain, you feed the body poison mistaken for love.
be careful with people with an emotional entitlement to your softness.

they are seeking ownership not commitment.
love is a fragile thing. love is a divine teacher, love is not fickle, do not fear her lessons.
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