OK - for those fed up with the Labour Leadership and thinking of leaving the party here are my thoughts...

So far as the leader of the Labour Party that I would like to see I would give Keir Starmer about two or three out of ten...
He committed to left policies, it's too early to judge. He committed to unify the party - I think he has a finely crafted cabinet with a couple of nods to the left but, as of today, a few appointments specifically chosen to piss off the left...
and result in as many of the left leaving the party as possible. His political performance as leader of the Labour Party has been decidedly wishy-washy - he has challenged the government on the coronavirus exit strategy (the Achilles Heel of Blaire and Bush's Iraq strategy)...
but what about PPE for hospitals, GPs, and care workers, testing, care homes being used as de-facto hospices, availability of oxygen in hospitals, supply of food packages to at risk groups (including the ones excluded form the at risk list), accurate reporting of deaths...
(inside and outside of hospitals), financial support of those left out so far, etc., etc., etc., and that's before the lies we are continuously being told. Of course there are other aspects to British political life that should be being challenged - the Russia report...
Priti Patel no-shows (and continued determination to exclude 'low' skilled from the UK - you know - the ones keeping us alive), and much more...

Even a wishy-washy Labour government is infinitely better than the very best Tory government, and this is far, far below even an average Tory government. Even before coronavirus there were millions in poverty, suffering from the policies of this government...
(many of which were introduced in good faith by New Labour and then weaponised by the government of Cameron & Co). There are people living in housing that is unfit for purpose, housing that is a clear and present fire risk, and they are the lucky ones...
they actually have a roof over their heads. There are people who have zero job security, jobs that do not pay enough to live on, with employers like Sports Direct or Wetherspoons, and there are many employers that are even worse.

Am I happy with Starmer's first days as leader - no.
Do I trust Starmer - no (I may have mentioned that).
Will I be leaving the Labour Party - no (at least by my own volition).
Will I fight for left wing (I prefer to think of them as Socialist) policies - yes...
Will I support a Labour Party led by Starmer to get a Labour government into power?


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