Do you use a reference manager? Well I think you should! It is *SO* nice to have all of your papers neatly organised.

I keep notes on things I've read and can access my research library on all of my devices! I don't know how I survived before! đŸ’»đŸ‘©â€đŸ”Ź
@AcademicChatter #phdchat
Not sure what to use or where to start? There are a lot of different options and I rounded up what I think are the best five in a blog post.

Personally I use Zotero (free), but I'd also recommend Paperpile, ReadCube's Papers, Jabref (free) or Citavi.
"But Emily, what about Mendeley/EndNote?!?"

I can't recommend them for two good reasons:
1. Their parent companies are arseholes
2. They make it almost impossible to migrate your library if you decide you don't want to use their software anymore.

There's more tea on the post 😉
Passive-aggressively tagging @Sydonahi in this thread because she (quote) "just uses one massive BibTeX file" and that is unnecessarily chaotic evil
Most of the options in my blog could import that BibTeX file for you right away!! Heck, Jabref is literally built *with* BibTeX except it then gives you a ton of search and organisational features!! For free!!! It's a no-brainer.
You can follow @emilydoesastro.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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