Watching a The Little Mermaid movie marathon: a thread 💖🧜🏼‍♀️
First of all, how often does Sebastian make the sisters do these performances for the general merpublic? 🤔 Because Ariel is 16 and she was supposed to be debuted. Do they not preform any younger? Did they start this with the oldest daughter or after there was a few of them?
Also do I love urban exploring because Ariel does? She's clearly checking out abandoned places all the time, one cause she's a hoarder, two cause she likes human items, and three because she's just gotta love the adventure right? That's all reasons I visit abandoned places!
Has Ursula tried to get the trident before Ariel or did she wait until He finally had a child she could manipulate?? Because you can't tell me she hasn't tried to contact one of the many sisters before, or did she not care about her plan until then?
How has Ariel hidden her collection from all except flounder for this long? She doesn't have one sister she trusts at all? Seems really sad and makes her more lonely than originally thought. Maybe that's why she's so in love with the human world??
I wonder if Ariel's mother would have understood her human obsession? Like Ariel can NOT be the only mermaid who thought humans were interesting at least right?
Do we know what Eric's age is?? Like is that a fact we know?? Also she says she's never seen a human this close before. So she only sees them from the coast maybe? I never thought about that before..
We do know his age! He's 18! Not sure if the movie s t ates it but Google did lol. At least he's clearly ready for marriage as a prince and he's never seemed full of himself, just wants to be happy so honestly he's not a bad match for any girl 🤷🏼‍♀️
At least she like actually saved Eric too, like she probably shouldn't have been on the beach singing to him afterwards, but she didn't just go “Oh this is bad.. Well he was cool, bye though! I'll be sure to check out your ship when it's fully sunk!”
How old is Ariel's oldest sister? Like she's gotta be what, 30 something? Are any of them twins? If Ariel is 16 then Ariel's mother died when she was a baby, right? So like she can't be less than 9 months apart from the next youngest sister.. Right?
According to Google they're all a year apart. Man 7 years of having kids and none of them are twins? Apparently Ariel's beginning will give me more info and I haven't seen it yet (I know I'm the worst!) so maybe when we get to that one my questions will be answered!
Also at 16 I was obsessed with my boyfriend but at 25 I can see why her father was like “You're a child!” but like, why he gotta destroy all her things??? Like how rude dad, that never works lol
And yes we glossed over Under The Sea, it's a great song, no complaints or questions, clearly Sebastian has lots of musically inclined friends lol
I feel bad for all the poor unfortunate souls. Not because Ursula tricked them, but because they probably just had small issues and as a witch she uses her powers wrong because she's obsessed with getting the trident. Like what was her catch for everyone else before? 🤔
Like she never actually helped anyone right? I'd love to see her in the beginning before she actually was hurting people because I bet she was loved by many but maybe she was used for her powers too much making her evil? She probably just wanted to settle down!
And does Ursula have more family members besides the sister they throw into the second movie whose also evil? I mean it's obvious she's Triton's sister as well right? Or was she just in love with him? Neither of these questions are actually cannon???
Why does Eric so quickly deny that she's not the girl because she's mute? Like I know he heard her sing but why doesn't she ever write it down to him? I know that's not accurate to what would happen in a kids movie, but like.. Shouldn't she be able to write? Or at least try??
And I've always wanted to live in that ocean side castle holy hell 😍😍
Do we know where Eric's parents are? Do they ever say? He's 18 and the prince.. He would just needed a coronation, not a wedding to be king.. But they are literally never mentioned at all!
In Kiss the Girl, he clearly hears the music and Sebastian say Ariel? But why doesn't he just kiss her for the hell of it? I know he's not convinced it's the girl he's looking for but a kiss literally wouldn't have hurt anything! Also if he can hear it all like... 👀L
Sebastian could have whispered to him as he fell asleep that night.. Like literally he could have “imagined" some dream where she's got a curse and he's gotta kiss her and poof, problem solved lol
I know Vanessa was already there by then but, like Sebastian could have explained that. And she manipulated the whole situation, didn't anyone want to tell Eric no, you're going too fast with the wedding? You can't marry a girl you just met Eric!!
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