Since it's come up again, let me speak to the supplies seizure issue. The key issue is chaos and shortages. Everyone is scrambling. If you talk to hospital execs and public officials having orders interdicted or rerouted isn't just happening it's now commonplace.
2/ You hunt high and low for supplies and when you get lucky and find some there's a good chance the feds will swoop in and redirect or seize them. Now why that's happening, on what authority and to what purpose isn't clear. A significant amount of it may simply be ...
3/ confusion. In some cases it's likely or possible some federal official is deciding it's more important that it go to hotspot X than the place that ordered it. A lot of it is likely that the White House has unleashed various bureaucratic players and they're each trying to ...
4/ get as much as they can though on their own they're all doing something like what they think is the right thing. The key issue is that it all remains highly opaque and front line users of goods are simultaneously being told to buy their own and having the stuff they ...
5/ buy snatched away from them with some regularity. Layered over this a significant amount of distribution is being allocated on the basis of praise and personal relationships through the President and Jared Kushner. Fundamentally this is about chaos and lack of ...
6/ transparency and in that muddle some amount of corruption and political patronage gaming is finding a congenial environment. The admin needs to provide clarity abt what it's doing.
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