I've been at home for five weeks now.
1. Need a haircut
2. Done a lot of puzzles!
3. Really grateful for the weather.
4. Exercise is a godsend.
5. The longer this lasts, the larger my bubble of personal space becomes.
6. Grateful for my family.
7. It's ok to get annoyed at small things.
8. But be patient when others also get annoyed at the small things.
9. I'm reading Our Good Crisis by @Jonathan_Dodson and Dark Clouds Deep Mercy by Mark Vroegop and finding both helpful.
10. I always believed I'd be more productive with unlimited telecommute. I was right.
11. I do not miss traffic. At all.
12. To say that I am deeply concerned about the long-term geopolitical fallout of the pandemic is an understatement. I am terrified.
13. But see #9 again. I have to remind myself more consciously about the limits of my own responsibility, the importance of prayer, and the goodness of God. Being honest to him about our fears, frustrations, and anxieties is the first step in not letting them overwhelm us.
You can follow @PaulDMiller2.
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