THREAD: Being holed up w/ potential COVID-19 (took test this morning), I've had a lot more time than normal to consume @cnn @msnbc @nytimes @washingtonpost—who knows, maybe it's making me sicker. It's been truly stunning & nauseating to see the 180 on @BernieSanders...
All of a sudden, when he's out-of-the-picture and not a threat to corporate journalists elite sensibilities (and corporate/neoliberal status quo), the same outlets and journalists who've created a delusional/false caricature of @BernieSanders in order to scare/turn off...
older voters are now suddenly flooding us with pieces, tweets, and swan songs about how important he is, how much he moved the conversation and Overton Window, and a host of other kind accolades. It's truly illuminating because it further cements what progressives have already
known for a long time---the toughest battle we face is not on's the24/7 gaslighting campaign where legacy/corp media forces maintain the status quo by waging mass distraction and gaslighting campaigns they fully know are based on hot air...
-Bernie Bros
-Bernie's a secret sexist
-Bernie's a Fidel-loving Commie
-Bernie's too loud and angry
-Trump is dying to run against Bernie
None of these things had any substance or facts behind it--but progressives got sucked into responding to them and defending against them—which then provides the gaslighters the credibility they seek. This is why, for the future of the progressive movement--whoever..
takes the mantle from @BernieSanders...two things must happen
1) No more playing defense/even dignifying this gaslighting with tacit acknowledgments that there's truth to it

2) Going on offense with sharp contrasts and, frankly, attacks of our opponents rather than playing nice
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