I wish people would stand up for trans men the same way they do for trans women. It’s not a jab at trans women, but every time there is any sort of idea geared towards trans men, people just rather focus on trans or cis women, and forget that we were also raised as women.
For example in media: nowadays there has been more trans women representation, and thats amazing! But most times wheb there is any inkling of rep on trans men, its later discredited as “they were a cis woman all along”. It hurts. It hurts we are not seen as men.
“But men dont deserve rights” yea but we are TRANS men. We werent raised as cis men. We had to deal w the same struggles women do. We dont conform. I had ppl say that i am not a real man bc i dont have a dick. In the end, our identity seems to mean nothing. Its awful.
There is no big conclusion to this thread, no villain to uncover. Bc at the end of the day, who do we blame? Misogeny? TERFs? Hell some dumbasses could even claim that feminism could be part of the issue. But i dont think its something to blame at one group. Its everything.
The way trans people are treated, the way men who do not confirm to the misogenistic views of society are treated, the way trans men are basically erased from all sorts of discussion. We see a lot of flack in discussions abt trans women. Not so much abt trans men.
Theres no way for me to blame a single group for the way i am treated when everytime i look around i feel as if no one thinks my opinion matter. That everytime transphobia is brought up, its never how we are shut down bc “we are men” but we all listen a cis bredtuber instead.
So why is it? Why do trans women seem to have such a high popularity among leftist discussions, and when it comes to our discussions we would rather listen to cis men and not trans man?
I dont know. That’s what i want to ask. Because i am tired of not seeming to exist.
Again. This is not an offense at trans women. My problem is how it always seems as when trans issues come up, only trans women are discussed and trans men are only mentioned for a split second. Not to mention nb people, whom i didnt mention bc i am not that familiar with, and
Do not wish to speak over them without having any proper knowledge or experience in the way they are treated, but based on previous discourse on the trans community, i can ASSURE YOU its just as bad as the way trans men are.
I dont know man i just wish everytime ppl bring up transphobia, they could stop pretending it only affects trans women. And that its the sole thing that can excuse everything else. Its tiring. I am tired. Good day to everyone.
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