Yet here we are now. It's April, and democracies like the UK and US which highly prize individual freedom are in stringent lockdown. The presumption that somehow effective but stringent actions from SE Asia would not work there bc of cultural differences is dangerous. 2/
So take for instance S Korea (a democracy, btw), which used extensive data mining to, for the moment successfully it seems, track spreaders and test extensively. We should be indeed wary of use of data in this way, but... 3/
But I find it a bit strange, if that's the word, that people were saying S Korea measures would never fly in a western democracy which prizes individual privacy, given the UK's passing of the snooper charter 4/
But... I also think people in Western democracies have no idea how much snooping power they have already ceded to their governments! "Following the Sept 11th attacks of 2001, domestic and international mass surveillance capabilities grew immensely" 7/
And I'm not even saying anything here of the uncontrolled mass surveillance powers of private tech giants (e.g., Zuckerberg, Facebook) which are uncontrolled, it seems. So in light of all this the western concern for S Korea's strategies to contain the virus are hypocritical 8/
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