A personal story about food insecurity- a thread: My first job (apart from selling cigarettes to neighbors but that's a story for another day) was as a cashier at Tuckerbag - a family owned supermarket in Melbourne, Australia.
That job had a profound influence on my career - the best lessons on why people buy what they buy were all learned behind that register. But even more profound was understanding the connection between money, food, and stability.
You only have to serve one person in distress over their inability to buy food to have it impact you for life. And I served many.
In the past month, 17 million people in the United States have filed for unemployment - 6.6 million last week alone. Suddenly many more people are having to make hard decisions at the supermarket register on daily essentials.
Last month, after checking out a giant cart of groceries, my husband realized that he had forgotten his credit card. Clearly he must have looked distressed - within moments an anonymous angel swooped in and paid his grocery bill.
While grateful for the kindness, we were embarrassed and upset that the money came to us and not someone more deserving. Since then, we have been paying it forward by buying store gift cards and leaving them with cashiers to hand to customers at their discretion.
It's a small thing, and easy. And a great way for those of us lucky to be employed to contribute. Another option to consider is donating to a food bank. Many food banks are overwhelmed and experiencing extreme shortages as people line up to get food to feed their families
At a company level, @mX is donating the food that we usually provide for employees to food banks and service providers. This has the double benefit of keeping cash flow going to local businesses and their employees; and food going out into the community where it is needed.
Food insecurity will be one of the most painful impacts of Covid-19. Cashiers and delivery providers are frontline workers in this fight. This is our moment to trust and empower them to help them help those who need it most.
To donate to food banks in your area, search for local charities or visit @FeedingAmerica https://www.feedingamerica.org/find-your-local-foodbank
You can follow @Jane_Barratt.
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